With the holiday season approaching, every marketer should take this opportunity to step back and make plans for the season. After all, timely and relevant content is perhaps never more powerful than during the most popular shopping time of the year. So, as your consumers prepare for the upcoming season, here are some examples of great holiday-themed content marketing to inspire your efforts. From building on brand values to offering seasonal advice, these campaigns show what the holiday spirit is all about while working in authoritative, memorable and downright enjoyable content in the process.
1. Reinforce brand values with REI's campaign REI's loyal followers have one thing in common: they love being outdoors. That's why REI decided to make a bold marketing move last year when they decided to close their stores on Black Friday (one of the employee data biggest shopping days of the year) and instead encourage people to go out and spend time with their friends and family at the start of the holiday season. This campaign was so successful in 2018 when it started that, last year, even more brands joined the movement, with Outdoor Research promising to donate $10 to Paradox Sports for every tagged Instagram post.
Both This has led to a great reinforcement of values while contributing to a great cause and helping REI (and the brands that have supported it) to generate quality user content.2. Take the sentimental approach with hinge Hinge Founder Justin McLeod on His New Data Lab and Modern Love As the year draws to a close and we take time to slow down, come together, and look back on what we are grateful for, a sense of sentimentality is in the air. And, it's been proven that brands that capitalize on this will see 50% higher emotional appeal.